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It was late June in San Diego California!

Me and four friends are walking down this street in the downtown part of the city. None of us knew the city that well..

Looking for a place to get some drinks we keep checking out everything that we pass by..

Walking by this big flashy sign saying "Cocktails" we run into this guy who was standing outside having a smoke.

Since it was my friends bachelor party (Swedish one) we'd dressed him up as The Dude from The Big Lebowski (best movie ever!)
And we gave him some tasks that had to be done by the end of the day.

The smoking fella looked at my friend and said, "Why are you wearing that hun?"

We explained that we're all from Sweden celebrating that he's getting married and he starts talking about two thing, Women and how bad of an idea it is to marry one! Some of the funniest things I've ever heard!

We're enjoying chatting to this guy when two of my friends get the idea of actually going into this bar..

I tried to tell them that that might not be the best place to pick up chicks since.. yeah the place IS called "Cocktails" and we're talking to the most feminine guy most of us have ever talked to.. they blow me off and as we walk in,

The first thing we see are two guys in their 50's wearing lots of leather basically eating each others faces..

We stepped outside and kept walking..


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